vsql transactions are implemented using Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC). In a nutshell, MVCC maintains multiple copies of rows that are visible to respective transactions. MVCC is one method to ensure readers and writers do not block readers or writers.

Recovering Expired Rows

By its nature MVCC leaves around copies or rows that have either been deleted or rolled back. These row versions need to exist until at least the transaction is finished (COMMIT or ROLLBACK). However, in either case, the rows are not revisited so they will remain invisible to all other future transactions.

This makes the COMMIT basically zero cost but it requires another process to clean up expired rows. Since this isn’t easily possible or ideal for a single-process database, vsql performs cleanup on COMMIT and ROLLBACK which on any pages that were modified during the transaction.

The cost of a COMMIT or ROLLBACK should be approximately equal to each other. However, the cost of an individual COMMIT or ROLLBACK is proportional to the amount of pages modified and not the number of changes directly.

Wraparound Transaction IDs

Another challange with MVCC is that it requires transactions IDs to increment. Eventually vsql will run out of transaction IDs leading to incorrect behavior. See


  1. Multiversion concurrency control - Wikipedia.

  2. Implementing Your Own Transactions with MVCC - Elliot Chance.

  3. The Internals of PostgreSQL, Chapter 5: Concurrency Control.