SQL Standard

ISO/IEC 9075 is the formal name for what is more colloquially known as the SQL standard. Every few years a new version is published.

Each version is split into multiple parts. Part 2: Foundation (SQL/Foundation) is the largest part (in terms of pages) and covers the syntax and behavior for the core SQL language. It’s also the most relevant part for this project.

Each version brings new features, but most of the general features commonly used have been published by 2003 and that will be the ideal standard for us to work against. Older versions (such as 1999) are still relevant and helpful because they still contain most of the core features.

Unfortunately, the SQL Standard is not free (and is very expensive). This includes all previous versions. This is obviously a challenge for an open-source project. While we cannot include a copy of the standard, the next best option is to provide a list of locations where it exists: